Cnr. Barnes and Denison Streets
Tamworth NSW 2340

1300 770 978

Cnr. Barnes and Denison Streets
Tamworth NSW 2340

Cnr. Barnes and Denison Streets
Tamworth NSW 2340

Call Us On
02 6765 2244

Our Products

Concrete Processing

Providing a range of products for the cleaning and maintaining of equipment and surfaces in the concrete & asphalt industry

Featured Products


A unique "non acid" concrete remover/cleaner, formulated with new organic salt technology. Designed for cleaning Concrete Trucks and Agitators, AGI-SAFE contains no strong mineral acids, is non-fuming and is non-corrosive to the skin and most metals. Available in 25L & 200L


Removes oil, grease, carbonised oil, carbon, sludge, fat, smut, soot, drawing, forming, spinning oils and some paints. Available in 12kg


A water based clear liquid cleaner/degreaser. Quickly dissolves heavy grease and food build up on any surface with minimum effort. NINJA decarbonises and de-fats in one operation. Available in 5L & 25L


New generation Truck & Trailer wash. Available in 5L, 25L & 200L


A lemon, semi gel emulsion hand cleanser that surpasses most other types of "non hydrocarbon" citrus solvent containing products. Available in 4L, 5L & 25L


A blend of surfactants and water soluble solvent, XTREME is dilutable with water to form working strength solutions, XTREME is non-toxic, non-flammable and leaves no after odours or fumes. Available in 5L & 25L

Our Brands